Sunday 16 June 2013

Exquisite opulence by photographer Beppe Brancato

Photography by Beppe Brancato for D REPUBBLICA (via Nest of Pearls)

Ok so very simply said, it's difficult to hold a full-time job in the fast-paced world of advertising and blog. I think I've managed one short post over the last couple of months and boy do I miss blogging. I now need to seriously find a balance between work and blogging, otherwise this lack of creative fulfillment may just kill me... I'm not exaggerating, I think it really just might. So when I came across these seductive shots via Pinterest there was an immediate desire that fired up quite violently in my heart and I said to myself 'Damn it Bis, share this, SHARE IT NOW!!!'.

The responsible of these rich and succulent images is Italian photographer Beppe Brancato, and this particular editorial project is one that he has undertaken for the Italian magazine D REPUBBLICA. Now, unfortunately, I'm not in a position to accredit the styling to a name simply because I don't know, but if anyone reading this is more familiar with this particular editorial and cares to add, then please, please do so.

What absolutely mesmerises me in this sequence of Beppe Brancato's photography is the fearlessness and density to depict colour, one shamelessly seasoned with a subtle yet definite sense of enigma. The choice of what Brancato chooses to let inside the frame throws me into a certain stance of curiosity whereby I can't quite take-in everything at once, leading to a feeling of being somewhat mystified and puzzled by the setting. 

However, what is most rewarding is unravelling this puzzle in hungrily roaming the photographs and developing a sense of giddy understanding as to how all the elements work together. When I set my eyes on the image just below for example, of the regal bedroom, I took such pleasure in finding the flowers, or rejoicing at the simple positioning of the bed itself, so centred yet half hidden, exuding a sense of shy royalty. And I don't think I'm going too far in personifying the bed because its timidness comes through yet again in the last shot below, whereby we see its beauty in a vintage mirror. Almost hidden, but not quite, it has been given a definite and beautiful existence by its photographer.      

Photography by Beppe Brancato for D REPUBBLICA (via Nest of Pearls)

Photography by Beppe Brancato for D REPUBBLICA (via Nest of Pearls)

Photography by Beppe Brancato for D REPUBBLICA (via Nest of Pearls)

Photography by Beppe Brancato for D REPUBBLICA (via Nest of Pearls)

Photography by Beppe Brancato for D REPUBBLICA (via Nest of Pearls)

Photography by Beppe Brancato for D REPUBBLICA (via Nest of Pearls)

Photography by Beppe Brancato for D REPUBBLICA (via Nest of Pearls)

Images courtesy of - beppe brancato

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